One Flesh, One End


Episode 1

Kabriya picked the metacarpals, which are bones of the hand, located in the back of the hand between the phalanges (finger bones) and the carpal bones of the wrist. Baily rated them 8/10.

Episode 2

Baily picked the scaphoid, a bone located in the heel of the hand. This carpal bone articulates with the radius below the thumb, and is approximately the size and shape of a medium cashew. Kabriya rated it 1/10.

Episode 3

Kabriya picked the occipital bone, one of seven bones that come together to form the skull. It is a trapezoid-shaped bone located at the lower back of the cranium, and houses the back part of the brain. Baily rated it 7/10.

“I don’t know, you could grab someone there.” — Baily

Episode 4

Baily picked the sacrum, a large triangular bone at the base of the spine which forms the solid base of the spinal column. It intersects with the hipbones to form the pelvis. Kabriya rated it 9/10.

“Erogenous bone.” — Kabriya

Episode 5

Kabriya picked the ilium, the uppermost and largest part of the hipbone. Dinosaurs are divided into the bird-hipped Ornithischia and lizard-hipped Saurischia clades based on hip structure, including that of the ilium. Baily rated it 9/10.

Bonus with Carl Engle-Laird

We picked the ulna, one of the two bones in the forearm. The ulna is the forearm bone which is closer to your body when you have your hand facing up. Carl rated it 8.5/10.

“Essential for any kind of hand stuff.” — Carl

Episode 6

Baily picked the coccyx, commonly referred to as the tailbone. It is the final segment of the vertebral column, comprised of three to five separate or fused coccygeal vertebrae below the sacrum. In humans, the coccyx is the remnant of a vestigial tail. Kabriya rated it 9/10.

Episode 7

Kabriya picked the mandible, also known as the jawbone. The mandible forms the lower jaw. Baily rated it 6/10.

Episode 8

Baily picked the humerus, the long bone of the upper arm which extends from the shoulder to the elbow. The “funny bone” sensation arises when the humerus gets bumped against the ulnar nerve in the elbow. Kabriya rated it 5/10.

Episode 9

Kabriya picked the radius, one of the two forearm bones. The radius is the forearm bone which is farther from your body when you have your hand facing up. Baily rated it 6.5/10.

“They can’t all be the Duke of bones.” — Baily

Episode 10

Baily picked the molars, which are the grinding teeth in the back of the mouth. Kabriya rated them 3/10 and rated the wisdom teeth (third molars) 1/10.

“When I imagine a vampire gnawing into you… if they’re using their molars it’s not sexy anymore” — Kabriya

Episode 11

Kabriya picked the hyoid, which is a small, U-shaped solitary bone located in the front of the neck below the lower jaw. The hyoid carries the weight of the tongue and plays a vital role in speech and swallowing. Hyoid bone fracture is commonly associated with strangulation. Baily rated it 3/10.

Episode 12

Baily picked the clavicle, also known as the collarbone, which is a slender S-shaped bone that serves as the connection between the shoulderblade and the sternum. Kabriya rated it 10/10.

Episode 13

Kabriya picked the phalanges, also known as the finger bones. Baily rated them 9/10.

“High-quality bones.” — Baily

Episode 14

Baily picked the femur, the thigh bone, which is the biggest bone in the body. The femoral artery runs along this bone, so it’s very dangerous to break it. Kabriya rated it 7.5/10.

“So thick and strong.” — Baily

Episode 15

Kabriya picked the iliac crest, submitted by a listener, which is the upper crest or wings on the pelvic girdle. Baily rated it 9/10.

Episode 16

Baily picked the calcaneus, also known as the heel bone. The calcaneus is the largest of the tarsal bones in the foot, located at the lower back part of the foot below the three bones that make up the ankle joint. Kabriya rated it 7/10.

“Out of respect to the feet community…” — Kabriya

Episode 17

We picked the spine for our guest host Nora. The spine is also called the backbone, and is composed of a segmented series of vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs. Nora rated it 8.75/10.

“I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.” — Nora

Episode 18

Kabriya picked the ribs, the long curved bones which form the rib cage. The ribs facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity, and also protect the lungs, heart, and other internal organs. Baily rated them 8/10.

“Rib tattoo girls don’t worry about getting old… the sequel to ‘Ribs’ by Lorde.” — Kabriya

Episode 19

Baily picked the canine teeth, ​​also known as “vampire teeth,” which are the pointed teeth adapted for tearing food and located beside the incisors, or front teeth. Kabriya rated them 10/10.

“At the end of the day, vampires are sexy, fangs are sexy. Ten out of ten!” — Kabriya

Episode 20

Baily picked the capitate bone. This bone is the largest of the carpal bones and is found in the centre of the carpal bone region in the hand. It articulates with the third metacarpal bone (the middle finger) and it allows the middle finger to move. Kabriya rated it 3/10.